Saturday, July 12, 2008

Standing Strong on the Single-front!

So I just got off the phone with Vandi....and it's so cute to listen to her talk about all the "stuff" that comes along with having a new baby around. She's such a good mom!! There are SOOOO many of my friends that are married and having babies these days. My single status seems a bit....well....single. lol. I'm not complaining...being single has a lot of pluses...and I'm sure my turn will be here sooner than I am ready for! haha.
This week has been interesting....and a little different but it has been great. No complaints. My only frustration is that I haven't been working out this week OR reading my scriptures like I should...but my fatigue has been subsiding a little bit. I havent been getting near enough sleep this week, but my reason is excusable in my book ;) I've spent a lot of time with my friend this week....and it has been nice. Nothing more or less than still friends but I really do enjoy myself. Tuesday night I showed him around my favorite spot #3, the Lilly House Gardens at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. It was INCREDIBLE....and as always, absolutely gorgeous. Then it started to thunder....and then it started to POUR on us! It was GREAT! I loved it!!!! I haven't been rained on in a long time...and sometimes, it's awesome to stand and let the rain hit your skin. The storm that followed I wasn't fond of, but the hard rain was great. It's those moments that you remember for a long time. I like to make memories. It's one of my favorite things :) So it was worth the trip out. I went to the emergency room that same day for my fatigue. I'm just exhausted and yawn a LOT...but I'm not quite sure why. The good news ....all of my blood work came back normal. So I am just going to continue on and see if it subsides....make some small changes in some things to see if that changes. I'm wondering if it's hormonal...and that's a strong possibility. So yeah, I'll keep you updated.

I'm dogsitting for my parents this weekend, so I'm at their house all weekend. It's kinda weird...and their bed is RIDICULOUSLY uncomfortable. I swear their pillows are made of straw or something. I got home kind of late last night so I didn't go to sleep until almost 2...only to be awoken at 5am by my dad's alarm clock that he forgot to turn off. So I let the dog out...then went back to sleep. Then I couldn't figure out how to turn the alarm clock it kept going off every 10 or 15 minutes until I finally just shut it off. Then, an hour later, ANOTHER alarm clock goes I shut that one off. Then MY alarm clock went off at 7:45am....THEN it started to storm like crazy. So...needless to say, I didn't get very much sleep. Hopefully I'll get some better sleep tonight. It's hard to sleep in someone else's bed, especially when it's so uncomfortable or different from your own. I have a very soft bed and soft pillows....and their bed is hard and their pillows are hard. It wasn't a pleasant experience. haha.

Today will probably be a lot of lounging around....because I don't want the d.o.g to be home all alone today. I miss my food though. My parents eat really differently than I do. OH why don't I just keep complaining!!! lol.

I've been thinking a lot about relationships. I have a couple of good friends who are recently married and on the verge of getting married that, in my mind, don't have the "model" relationships you would think of for their situations. It worries me. When I get married, I have a very clear and precise vision of the kind of feelings I want to feel. Doubt and regret do NOT fit in that equation. Nearly HALF of ALL marriages in the US fail....and I am determined to not be one of them. When I get married, I want to look at my husband and feel peace, comfort and stability and most importantly, unconditional love. I want him to know that I will stand by him for all time and eternity...through good and bad...thick and thin....everything. When you're married, you will know that person in and will hear them go to the bathroom, see them naked on their good days and bad days...have to tolerate through every mood they go through and at the end of the day, you still want to be no where else but right there beside them when they go to sleep. Some days you will question your decision....I think if every day was perfect, then that's not good either. But although you question it because it's hard, you have a testimony that your marriage is God's will. It's just like the Gospel...there will be days where you don't work as hard, or want it as bad....and there will be days where you feel like it's too hard to do it, but your testimony...that burning engraven statement on your heart that tells you that God is real and He lives and loves you, that you KNOW the Gospel is true and it's the key to happiness....that is what keeps you in it for the long haul. So just as we know the Gospel and believe in it...we have to know our partner and believe in them. We have to know their faults and be accepting of them...because if you can't get past that fault, your expectations of it or anticipation of it changing is what keeps you in the relationship, I fear that your expectations are too high. We must never expect someone to change. That is what I have learned. Maybe they can....but it's only through the Gospel and even then, some of their annoying habits might remain. We have to be willing to tolerate them and even come to love their imperfections. It's the imperfections that make them who they are. I'm not quite sure why I feel that I'm the end all, know all to relationships....but I feel strongly about this. I have given it much thought. Through these last four years of being single, I have observed. I have pondered. I have prayed. I have written. I have learned. Maybe one day I'll write about my own relationship....until then, I'll keep writing about others! :)

Okay...I should definitely shower. haha.

1 comment:

The Miranda's said...

You can live motherhood through me a for a while...BUT I promise it will be totally different when you have to actually live it.