Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dreaming with a broken heart.

John Mayer has some of the most amazing lyrics ever. Really...I actually FEEL his songs, even if I can't relate to them personally, which says a lot.
I'm really looking forward to what is ahead for me. Not to say that I'm not enjoying the moment, but life just keeps getting better. Yesterday, I went to sleep at 9:30! It was crazy! I haven't gone to bed that early in a reallllyyy long time. I started reading Revelations last night. I'm already lost! haha. Luckily the chapters are somewhat short so I will hopefully breeze through it.

I'm am REALLY looking forward to this weekend. It should be fun and relaxing. I'm definitely feeling the stress of having NO money right now, but it will all figure itself out. I'm adjusting my tithing (to my gross income) like I know I should and the Lord will make sure I'm taken care of...he knows my needs. But nonetheless, this weekend should be great! Starting off with a cookout and fireworks on Thursday night at Michelle's and then Friday I'll be spending the majority of the day with my family. There is always so much pressure to go to family functions with a "date" but it's okay, I'm single...therefore, I'll go single. My sister Jaime will be in town and I miss her terribly so I'm really excited to see her...and the kiddies...and everyone else. I'm also pretty pumped because we're cooking RIBS...I haven't had ribs in a while. Then the normal fireworks downtown and then Saturday is JOHN MAYER!!!!!!!! OMG I can't even tell you how excited I am about that! I think I was like 7 the last time I was at concert at Verizon...and I'm pretty sure it was New Kids on the Block and I had an ear infection so I cried the whole time. haha. This should be much better.

The last few days have been kind of hard. I went from having my roommate and all of my friends around all the time and talking to Adam almost every day to none of that....it all just stopped. Kelly leaves on Monday and then here I will be....best friend-less yet again. Oh well.

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