Saturday, December 27, 2008

Five, four, three, two, one, HOLY SHENANIGANS.

I know, I know! It's been almost a FULL WEEK since I've posted. What's going on with me?? I've had a serious case of "I have so much to say I don't even know where to begin and I don't want to just ramble, I want it to make sense" that I haven't posted anything.

We all know what I'm going to be talking about.


I move on Thursday. Not next Thursday, not in two Thursdays, not next month on Thursday. The day has come. This. Thursday.

What I have realized is that a lot of my friends have had to go through this experience of moving far away from their families (all of my present roommates included and many of my friends) so it's really not THAT big of a deal. But well, I just make a big deal out of it. Because to me it's a huge deal.

I keep trying to be nervous or scared, because I think that's how I'm supposed to feel I guess? But in all honestly, I'm not. I'm just ready. Ready to drive, ready to go, ready to live. Right now I've been kind of a homebody and the past few weeks -- dare I say even the past few months, I've been somewhat of a homebody. I have enjoyed it though. Spending time with myself and really thinking, reflecting and pondering have helped me prepare for this move in a big way I think.

I just know that my life is going to change. I just have that feeling in the pit of my stomach (and it's not indigestion) that my life is going to change in a HUGE HUGE way. Everything that I know now about my life, from what I do on a day to day basis to who I see is going to be different. I'll be living in a different time zone even. Weird. I guess for this deeply rooted Indiana girl it's just time to move on to bigger and better things. I love my Indiana. I'll never stop loving you, Indiana.

There's a great quote from Sweet Home Alabama: "You can roots and wings, Melanie." Well, I feel that applies to me also. I'll always have my roots, but I have my wings too :)

Five days. So much to look forward to. My class schedule is going to be a lot easier than originally anticipated. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME TO FIND A GOOD JOB!! I still have not found a job yet and that is my biggest worry. I know the Lord will take care of me though. I have always managed to come out of all of life's obstacles a better more equipped person..and most importantly, alive. This will be no different. For once in my life, as hard as I try, I'm just not worried about it. It feels so right. It's a good feeling.

How was your Christmas? Mine was lovely as usual. I got to see my family and that make me happy. I also got to talk to a friend a lot on Christmas that I had been wanting to talk to. So my day was all in all pretty peachy. All I got was money. And really, that's all I wanted this year.

You look back and realize that you made a lot of mistakes along the way, but somehow you still did it. I always make a lot of mistakes, but somehow I still manage to get the job done. I look at life like that anyways....I might not do it perfectly, but eventually I do it.

So now that I'm ready to roll I need to get back into my routine and remember what's important. God, family, school, health, social life. In that order for the most part -- the middle ones all kind of blend together since my family will be so far away and I need to take care of myself mentally, physically and spiritually.

Happy Saturday. Carry on with your lives now.

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