Sunday, December 14, 2008

Late night blogging take two.

Dear Sleep,

You used to come to me like a thief in the night. Around 10:30 or 11:00 every evening I could count on you to take me up and whisk me away to somewhere beautiful. Where have you gone? Perhaps I have spent too much time with you during the day? Perhaps you are upset with me? Whatever I did to offend you, I would hope that you could have mercy on me so we can be better acquainted once again.

I miss you.

A lot.

You see, since you've been gone I've been feeling, well, tired. And sometimes grumpy. And prone to headaches. It's rather bothersome and I would just prefer if we could find a way to talk this out, you and me.

I have however become better friends with the kitchen since you've been coming around less often. Don't tell the kitchen I told you this, but I like you a lot more than I like her. I feel better when I spend more appropriate time with you and less inappropriate time with the kitchen.

So, if you can find it in your heart to return to me. I promise to make you a more meaningful part of my life. I appreciate you. Don't you know that?? I can't live without you. Really. I can't. If you completely went away then I would start hallucinating. It just wouldn't be good for anyone involved.

Oh and I don't mean to complain even more but when do you come around, it seems that you keep taking me to places that are kind of scary and upsetting. Is there a reason for this? I miss going to cool places and kissing boys that only you can help me get for some reason.

I think I hear a knock at the door..I'm hoping it's you and not just some random eye rester guy. The eye rester guy just annoys me now. He's a big tease. He looks so much like you that sometimes I think it's you...and then nope. The eye rester guy packs up and you're still no where to be found.


Okay, I'm crawling into bed with hopes that you'll come hang out, okay?



1 comment:

Quinn, Alexis, Jayden, and Owen Brown said...

Isn't that the truth :) I can't complain because on this break sleep and I are on very good terms :)
