Saturday, December 13, 2008

Late Night Blogging Madness

Thank you, Natalie, for your advice to blog when I can't sleep.

Although I'll warn you that late night blogging can lead to a few things:

1. Insomnia. Wait. Too late.
2. Rambling. Oh wait. Too late for that also.
3. Lots of blog posts about meaningless things. (Do I dare say it??)

So apparently there isn't anything different about late night blogging than my normal blogging.

Therefore, I continue.

I don't like to preach. I don't like to force someone to do something. I do like to say what I think and I do like to give advice. Tonight, I want you to know what I know. I want you to share with you my knowledge of one of the most precious gifts I could possibly ever give you.

Ahem. And so it begins....

I just want you all to know that God is real. Not only is He real, He loves you more than you can even wrap your little tiny brain around. I also know that he has a son, Jesus Christ, sent here to die so that we may have eternal life. He suffered every pain and heartache that we will ever suffer. I know it's something that we couldn't begin to imagine -- but sometimes we don't have to understand every single aspect of it to know it's true. Christ came to this earth, established his church and called apostles to teach others his everlasting Gospel. After the apostles were killed, that direct line of authority and communication was lost for a long time -- through the dark ages, etc. Many religions and creeds were formed based on the opinions of man and the interpretations thereof. These churches, although aiming in the right direction, were not being led by God or Christ. I know that a boy, young and curious, inquired of the scriptures and then of God himself as to what church holds the true and everlasting Gospel of Christ. Through this question, this boy received a vision from God the Father and Jesus Christ. They explained to him that none of these churches were complete -- that all had lost plain and precious truths of the gospel that Christ himself taught. They called him to restore the Gospel to it's fullness, and to open the dispensation of the Latter Days in order to prepare for the second coming of Christ. I know that this boy, named Joseph Smith, was called to be a prophet of God. He did, in fact, restore the Church and also was led by God to translate a set of gold plates in which he was directed to by an angel which are now known as the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. This book, along with the Bible, contain holy scripture from ancient prophets and apostles in their respective nations. The Bible, Jerusalem, the Book of Mormon, the Americas. It is a history of the people and also of the powerful witness of Christ. They, each in their separate entity but one in their purpose (just as God and Jesus Christ) give us the fullness of Christ's everlasting Gospel. They bring us all what we must know to receive eternal joy and happiness and most importantly to be with God again. I know that families are eternal. I know the God still reveals things to his children and will continue to do so until the second coming of Christ. I know that we can know the truth of ALL things by the power of the Holy Ghost. I know these things to be true because I have studied, and most importantly prayed about them for myself. I have received a powerful witness from the Holy Ghost time and time again of the truthfulness of the things I have just shared with you.

The knowledge that I have of this, and other things, brings me more peace and happiness than I could ever explain to you. And I wanted to testify of these things to anyone who is reading my little blog. Most of you that read my blog are those who are already members of the church. But maybe there is someone here that isn' to you, I invite you to know for yourself and to always seek truth. I testify that the Book of Mormon is true. That that Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Christ's only true and living church on this earth. There is one Church, one faith and one baptism. I invite us all to expound upon what we know and increase in our knowledge and faith.

Merry Christmas.

I needed the extra blessings tonight.

(for anyone who is wondering what the heck I'm talking about -- please visit for more information)

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