Friday, December 5, 2008


Yes, I am completely unoriginal -- a drawn out "Friday" was all I could think of for the title of this post.

But seriously, don't we all love Fridays?

Anyways --

So I, um, quit my job at the Spaghetti Factory. I know what you're get off my back already. Seriously though, the hours were totally not worth the money -- especially if I just pick up a few hours at my day job and it would equal out. Yeah, much smarter plan. (And alas, why didn't I just think of this plan to start with? Meh. I do dumb things sometimes.)

The weather is getting colder and colder and I am convincing myself that I love it! (I have to love it -- if not, then I'm going to be royally sca-rood when I go to Idaho in January -- can we say freeze out!?) But seriously, I think I do love the cold. Or maybe I just love things that are associated with cold weather. I love sweaters and sweatshirts for sure. I love tall sassy boots to wear to church. I love tights. Oh and I'm obsessed with scarves. I seriously went from owning, oh, like one scarf to now having an assorted collection (that will continue to grow I promise you) of about 6 or so. Walmart has a pretty sweet collection for very affordable prices. This makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Okay so obviously cold weather fashion is near and dear to my heart. There are other things too...such as hot chocolate and hot herbal tea. YUM. And comfort food is always a bit more satisfying when it's cold out side. Football is on when it's cold. I like football. :) And I really love scraping off my car in the mornings.


Did I just say that I love scraping off my car?

What I meant to say is I HATE scraping off my car.

Nothing annoys me more than walking outside to a bright sunny crispy cold day and looking at my windshield covered in ice. I need a remote starter for my car.

But I do love my heated seats :) Toasty buns, anyone???

I also looooovvvveeee (so sue me) Christmas music...which granted, Christmas music season is only for a couple of months total but it's a richly decorated season that stays with you even after it's over (if it's done right). And some Christmas songs can be applied to conditions even after the season has finished ("Let It Snow" anyone??)

However, there is one thing about Christmas that again, annoys me. Colored lights. One color in particular makes me want to knock on the homeowner's door and punch them in the face. (Okay, so maybe not actually punch them...but still...maybe shake them for being so tasteless and tacky.)

Alas -- BLUE christmas lights.

Who thought of this? I mean, did someone say, "Ya know, I think colored lights aren't tacky enough. Let's just make them all blue. Blue says Christmas to me." Especially on a Christmas tree. Why on earth would someone do this?! I don't even have a good word to describe my emotions when I see such a thing. I can deal with (very poorly but I do deal with them) colored lights on your house. It can be tastefully done. BUT....BLUE lights should be completely obliterated from stores. ::Sigh:: I promise I'm not this angry about it -- we'll just say I'm passionate about my convictions.

I hope you are all having a holly jolly Friday. Maybe take an opportunity today to say Frrriiidddaayyyy just once so I feel a little bit better about using it as a lame title to my post. Oh, and three cheers for winter accessories! Hip, Hip, Hooray!

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