Monday, December 1, 2008

A wise spaghetti christmas journey.

There are days where I know what I'm going to write about and other days where I have no clue. Today is the day of the latter.

I have a few things on my mind as I sit here in my sweats and army t-shirt (although admittedly mad at the army for deploying my best friend's husband right before Christmas...and the the birth of his firstborn...stupid army).

One -- My wisdom......tooth. A few weeks ago I felt some tenderness in my gums right behind my right back moller but didn't think too much of it. Maybe I brushed too hard that day? Meh. Life goes on. Until a week ago. I bit down on a piece of hot box pepperoni pizza and OW. It hurt. It is inflamed and it hurts. Like bad. I took advil yesterday which helped, but this couldn't have come at a worse time. I don't have time to have someone yanking out a tooth -- let alone the fact I am uninsured at the moment and have no money for such an activity as well. So until I figure it out, Advil is my new best friend. Boo.

Two -- In one month from now I will starting the journey west. I have so much on my mind about it. But mainly I just want to make sure that I have enough money to get out there. I'm sure I will but things have been tight tight tight (at my own fault, I assure you so I really can't and shouldn't complain). Yesterday was my last fast and testimony meeting at the Indy Singles Branch. I'll be having a lot of "lasts" this month. I'm sad to leave all that I know behind.......and excited all at the same time. I'm excited AND scared. I use that phrase often in my daily ramblings and it comes from my favorite musical "Into the Woods" (see previous entry for my youtube-a-thon). So in homage to this phrase, since it is my theme for my adventure to Rexburg, I will share with you the video of this song from the musical. It is sung my little red riding hood. (The beginning it her being eaten by the wolf so you're welcome to skip the first minute or so to cut to the chase...)

Last but not least -- Let me tell you how ridiculous people are at the Spaghetti Factory on the weekends. I mean, seriously people. If you're that hungry and you don't want to wait, then go somewhere else. Don't stand and complain about having to wait because no matter where you go or what you do you're going to have to wait. Friday and Saturday did nothing short of kicking my trash. It's a cardio workout for sure (the main upside to my job). I actually enjoy it for the most part, but seriously, that place is a crazy ridiculous crazytown on the weekend. The lobby is FULL, literally, FULL of people for three to four hours. Don't even get me started on having to check the restrooms. The mens restroom is always a nightmare. Why are boys so gross?! There is a never ending stream of men coming in and I do my best to duck in and change the toilet paper and trash and clean up when I think the coast is clear. It's great to see the look on a man's face when he walks in, nonchalantly, to what he thinks is the men's restroom, only to stare a women in the face right before he's like a deer in headlights. Then, I smile, explain I'm tidying up and I'll be just a minute if he doesn't mind waiting. But I assure you that I do NOT enjoy it -- especially walking in right after someone's meal has disagreed with their endocrine system. Not. Pleasant. At. All. (Okay, enough of THAT)

So the marathon begins. Thanksgiving is over and I'm moving full steam ahead. I have Saturday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Monday mornings to recover from my jobs and hopefully I'll have enough money at the end of it all to make it out to Idaho, get started on my education, and LOVE LIFE. Although, I love life now....what is there not to love?!

I hope everyone enjoyed their holiday weekend. Tis the season!

Allow me to share with you one of my FAVORITE christmas songs!!! The video is lame but sonybmg has the rights to the original video so I can't post it on here. Mariah has lost a lot of favor in my eyes, but I will forever love her for this Christmas musical treat.


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