Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Hey Dad!

Today is my Dad's 61st Birthday. Happy Birthday Dad!

He is my biggest fan (and my 2nd biggest critic next to myself), he is my #1 supporter and I love him more than I'll ever be able to say.

Being so far away from my family is certainly the biggest downfall to living across the country.

Here are some fun facts about my Dad and some reasons why I love him so much!

  • He was born in 1949 to Fredrick and Patricia Rosemeyer. 

  • He will be retiring next year from the Indiana State Excise Police. He has been there since 1974!

  • I'm convinced he has a bottomless pit of knowledge regarding sports. Any sport. Even curling. (Okay maybe not curling...but I wouldn't put it past him.)

  • He owns more CD's and music than I will probably ever own or imagine to own. His favorite band is by far and wide The Beach Boys but he has a vast collection of many genres of music. (Hm, and his daughter studies music. Interesting.)

  • He graduated from Ben Davis High School is 1967. I graduated from Ben Davis High School in 2002. (Side note, my mom also graduated from BDHS in 1967.)

  • He grew up in the same house his entire life on Exeter Ave. in Indianapolis, Indiana. My grandparents were the original and sole owners. That house is still in my family to this very day.

  • He is a pipe and cigar enthusiast although he doesn't smoke them anymore. (Thank you for that!)

  • He has a large collection of beer steins. Homage to our German heritage.

  • Upon entering my parent's house, one thing stands out....books. There are books everywhere. My dad has been a book lover for as long as I can remember. 99% of his books are nonfiction and are related to media, sports, or Indiana history.

  • I would say his dream job would be to have a radio show. (And he tried to live vicariously through me when I had a radio show in high school. I tried to play Beach Boys as often as I could.)

  • He is very smart. (Hence all the books!) 

  • He will talk to anyone and isn't shy. (Apple doesn't fall far from that tree, does it?)

  • Some say he can be a bit intimidating...it must be the cop thing :) 

Above all, he's been there for me through everything. He's never missed a concert or game (with exception of me moving to Idaho...but even still, he's made it to two concerts there!) He is the voice in my head always pushing me to better and be the best I can be. Even though I lived with my mom for most of my childhood until she passed away, he never missed an opportunity to be there for me.

I love you!

Lt. Michael L. Rosemeyer

Love always,


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