Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A little dose of motherhood and countryside.

While I'm back home in Indiana for a few weeks, I'm staying with my oldest sister and her family. She has two kids: Allyson (Ally) who is 7 and is in 2nd grade and Hunter, 5, and starting his first day of kindergarten in the morning! My sister also woke up this morning with a fever of 101.9 and swollen glands and a very sore throat. Doc says it's strep. A couple of weeks ago, I watched the kids during the day and got a taste of what it's like to cater to their every whim. There is a selflessness that comes with taking care of children. It certainly takes patience. Tonight, I picked them up from the babysitter's, gave them a snack, did homework with Ally, made dinner, gave the kids a bath, and put them to bed. It definitely has it's moments for sure, but I can see why mom's love their kids so much. Mother's are so important.

Jennifer's doctor is out in a little town called New Palestine, Indiana. As I was driving her there, we were driving past all of the fields of corn and I remembered how much I love Indiana. I love the country in general. Who would have thought that me, a little suburb girl, would have fallen in love with the idea of a house with a wrap around porch in the middle of the country? Who would have thought that I would dream of gardening gloves and fresh vegetables, four wheelers, and living where it's quiet and peaceful. I love the hustle and bustle of the city as well, but I have realized that I sleep better and breathe easier when I'm out in the country. Maybe that's a personal metaphor. From the outside it looks like bright lights and fast paced, but on the inside, when you really truly understand me, it's fields and star filled skies - perfectly quiet and peaceful. There is one other place I've been that I would probably want to live just as much as an Indiana countryside, and that is in the mountains of Idaho. My friend Charlie's house is one of the most amazing houses I've ever seen. It sits up in a mountain side. There are more stars in the sky than you'll ever see anywhere else. It's almost like you can reach out and touch them. They have a huge garage for projects, a giant garden, a root garden for potatoes, carrots and whatever other root vegetables tickle your fancy. Not to mention space. And the kitchen window is a perfect picture of the mountains across the way. It's fabulous. Simply fantastic.

Perhaps I should stop dreaming and focus on the here and now but let's be honest, it's fun to dream! I will have my dream someday.

What are your dreams?

xoxo Court

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