Monday, August 16, 2010

Not a cloud in the sky.


There are no clouds today. It's not 95 degrees outside. I actually was able to lay out and read for an hour or so and get some sun. It was heaven.

Not to toot my own horn but I also got up this morning and started my morning with what should be a morning ritual of prayer and scripture study. I will admit I have been somewhat lacking in the consistency of this ritual. However, I am striving to find it a daily habit. When I have time off from busy-ness, namely school, I try to utilize that time to do a bit of self discovery and cleansing. It normally takes a couple of weeks of silly idleness on my part to do anything worth while to discover or re-dedicate myself, but I am finally finding my path again and my backdrop is my Indiana home.

There are so many things in this world that I want to do, but I think I'm finally on to the idea that it is not up to me all of the time. There are a lot of things that need to be done. Let me go out on a limb and say that I feel somehow there can be a universal balance between the two. As long as the universe and I can come to an understanding that what I want to do and what needs to be done can be mutually agreed upon.

I choose to follow the creeds and doctrines of Mormonism because in my life, they have stood the test of time and the truthfulness of their messages stand the test of time. My relationship with God and His universe have led me there. However, although I do have strong convictions regarding the truthfulness of my faith, I have complete and utter respect for others who are seeking a pure and happy walk with Our Creator the same as I am. I feel that they will be rewarded the same for their pursuits. I want to make myself clear in the fact that the reason I chose to be baptized into the LDS faith was because I received a distinct and clear revelation to do so after a sincere and heartfelt prayer. It is not an easy road, but it has been a journey that so far has led me to some of the most peaceful and spiritual experiences in my life. I know it will continue to do so. I used to live in a world full of worry and fear. Of course I still sometimes worry, and I also sometimes fear, but there is so much LESS worry and so much MORE faith and hope than ever before present in my life.

Today I sat outside soaking up the sun (and vitamin D! Hooray for nutrients!) and listened to nature. I was reading a book and enjoying that too, but just to be outside in the world. I would stop reading for a few moments and look around and my whole body was still. My mind was still. Unfortunately, it can take a lot of time and practice alone to learn how to still your mind, but I have found that it can transcend into my everyday life. My mind, although thinking and processing, is maintaining a sense of stillness. It's a truly beautiful thing.

I could keep going on about how I loved watching the blades of grass and admiring their shapes and gorgeous green colors. I could go on about how perfectly blue the sky is and how the tree line contrasted against them in their majesty. The closest feeling I could describe it with would be how I feel when I'm sitting in the celestial room of the temple.

What would we do if we were not governed by time and to do lists? What would be achieve if we were able to engage ourselves in our truest and most honest desires of our souls? Would this world transform into do-gooders? Would we swallow all fear? Would we live in grass huts or mansions? Who is to say that we can't try this in our lives now? Who is forcing us to do things we don't feel are within our natures? What is one word that can describe us? One word that's definition is all encompassing of ourselves?

It's a lot to think about. It's great material for mediation.

So I'll go back to that now.

Oh and have you ever peeled a blueberry and looked at it? Try it.

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