Saturday, May 31, 2008

I would say random is appropriate.

I seemed to have left myself behind when you're around because I'm not quite sure who I am when you appear. I seem to lose myself by the sight of you. I seem to forget what to say, or which direction to go without knowing yours. I seem to be quite a bit confused.

John Mayer is rocking my socks off right now with this guitar solo.

Today was a bit of an accomplishment for me...and although to most it seems, well, trivial and juvenile, to was a pretty big deal. I drove all the way to brownsburg and home with NO problems. I sat through a two hour conference on the stand and had NO problems (other than it being RIDICULOUSLY hot in that chapel!). My panic attacks have seemed to run away again...let's just hope that this time, they stay gone!!! Considering less than three months ago I could barely drive down the road...and sitting in the back row of the chapel would get me all panic-like....this is a HUGE accomplishment! I am so happy....and so glad to feel normal! I'm not saying I'm cured...but I am saying that things are going in the right direction!

I am really grateful for my life.

Okay I think that's it for now.

♥ Courtney

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