Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Leaving a legacy.

There is so much that I want to tell you! I can barely keep in all in!

Life if going steadily along. Not perfect, but just plain good. I made a decision to be happy and guess what? I am. Yep. Happy. Me? You got it.

Things are really getting into full swing with school and preparing to leave. It's so close I can almost taste it. It's crazy weird though. In just a few weeks (we're counting down in WEEKS now) I'll be 1600 miles away going to school and probably loving almost every minute of it. My loan money finally showed up and I'm hoping that hits my bank account sooner rather than later because I have a LOT of stuff to do with it. Pay for housing, pay tuition, fix my car, payoff a couple of things.....let's hope I can cover all of it.

Work is...well, work. I can't say if I'll ever have a job that I'll be completely satisfied with until I'm doing something that I truly love. I'm just one of those people that has to love something to keep doing it. If not, I get bored. When I was a little girl I would get bored in school and end up getting trouble. I think it's safe to say that the same thing applies here.

I had this great idea on the way home tonight about someday starting a summer camp for children that is nothing but artistic things...singing, dancing, theatre, painting, photography, pottery, drawing, creative writing....I remember going to a camp like that as a kid and being so into it. We just took classes, but it was amazing. Obviously it's not something I can do right now, but I would like to start looking into it. I think summer of 2010 would be a great goal to work towards for having the first camp. I've got the logistics in my head...just got to get them out and get people to help!!

It's been an interesting journey these last couple of weeks....and I'm starting to remember me again. The creative, artsy, passionate me. The happy me. I don't know if she was completely lost, but I felt like she was farther away than I wanted her to be. Our talents are a part of our intelligence, therefore a part of our spirit. My talents are what make me feel whole....and I really think that they are what drive me to be my best self. I have a passion for helping others, but its through my talents that I'm able to do that. I feel so blessed to be given the talents that I have and I only hope I can use them for good.

I keep thinking about what I want to do with my "life work" if you will. I just see myself working from home mostly....doing a lot of odd things here and there....and not having a "set job". I know it's not ideal, but that's really what I think would make me happiest. I see myself maybe giving a couple of voice lessons from home (I would have a small studio), and then working on something artistic, whether it be a piece of furniture I bought at a garage sale that I'm refurbishing or working on pottery (I've decided that I'm going to learn how to make pottery). Of course, I'll be documenting it by taking pictures of everything and writing it all down. Then making some food for someone, whether it be my family or someone else, volunteering sounds nice too. I really want a garden (organic, of course) where I can pick fresh vegetables and grow my own stuff. I would love to work in a cancer center or a children's hospital. I think it would make me feel good. The only issue I have is the fact that most of these things (exception of the voice lessons...) generate little to NO income. Hm....I'm sure I'll figure it out.

My cousin Sarah is a photographer (a very talented one, might I add -- and she does weddings if you're interested...) and she works at the Hannah House in Bloomington. It is a battered women and children's shelter. She explained how she wants to live a live of service and with that comes being poor but she loves it. Although I do not enjoy being poor, I think serving others is really where I find the most joy. And isn't that what life is all about?? Joy and peace!

I'm really excited for the holidays to creep up on us. I can't believe Thanksgiving is in like 6 weeks or something. CRAZY! (I need to start doing some Christmas shopping....)

I would hope that whatever you do with your life, it is what truly brings you joy. If you enjoy having money in the bank and working hard to earn that money...then go do it! We're all so different. It's amazing to me.

Well, my loves, I'm off to bed.

Remember that Heavenly Father and Jesus love you!! As do I!

♥♥ ♥

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