Friday, October 10, 2008

One, Two, Cha Cha Cha!

Officially, I have three jobs. You'd think it would be hectic and crazy having so many jobs...but it's not really. My main gig, as a personal assistant, is fine and all but for some reason I can't handle doing it for more than 6 hours a day. If I "work" longer than that, I get really really irritable. I can't explain it. I just do.

My second job is one in which I mostly work from home. Remember my previous job as the Manager of Canal Overlook Apartments? Well I don't manage it anymore, but I provide training and keep up on the books for my old boss until he hires a new manager, and then I will help train them. Hopefully it will be something that stretches into December....I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I only work about 5-10 hours a week at that job.

And then there's my newest a ChaCha guide. ChaCha is a question/answer service that is primarily hosted via text messaging. You text a question (mind you it can be ANY question, up to and including, "How are you?") and someone replies back within 3-10 minutes. In order to become a guide, you have to fill out some forms, take some tests (to make sure you can type quickly and efficiently and also that you're not a complete idiot) and viola! You're a guide! They have this masterminded search engine too....and you can find the answer to just about anything. It doesn't pay great, but it pays...and it's fun. I'm probably going to devote more time to it and see if it's worth the added income...but the great thing is I can do it in my pjs at midnight or in the middle of the day....whatever fits my schedule. I've already made $3 in the last two days. Again, it doesn't sound like a lot. So we'll see.....but I can also do it in Idaho...and while I'm traveling...and anywhere I can take my laptop and get a wireless connection. Saweeeeet.

Some of the questions I get asked are pretty crazy. The only downfall would be the fact that there is not a way to NOT get certain questions.

Example questions:

"I like my bf :)" ...that one was cute. You just reply back...
"Is God a man?"...I wanted so bad to tell him the doctrinal knowledge of my faith (and I did in a way, but as a guide you can't get too personal)
And my least favorite..."What is frontal a**". I was NOT happy when I saw this question. For all those who are's another way to say camel toe. Gross.

So other than the very rare idiot asking questions about sex, it's a pretty fun gig. I figure since I can't be shielded from the world entirely no matter what I do for a living, unless I work for the Church.

On another note, I'm doing much much better for all of you who have been reading my blog and have expressed your concern. I received a Priesthood blessing (I'll be happy to explain what that is if you're curious...) and I literally felt the power of God heal me. I know that sounds kinda crazy, but as he was pronouncing the blessing, I felt at complete peace. And I haven't had any crazy meltdowns since!! How grateful I am for the Gospel. I know that God lives. I know that Christ lives. I know that the Gospel fell into apostasy and had to be restored and I know that God called Joseph Smith to restore His gospel to the Earth for these, the Latter Days. (Questions? ) I love my Father in Heaven.

♥ ♥ Courtney ♥ ♥

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

from one guide to another, good luck! i really have a lot of fun learning random trivia too. I usually also take advantage of their bonuses, and referrals too.