Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Confessions of an internet junkie.

I think it's safe to say -- I'm an internet junkie. I rely on it for everything -- keeping up on my "friends" every footstep via Facebook, checking my email incessantly in case someone has sent me an emergency email (in that case, I'm sure I'd get a phone call but for some reason I still feel the need to check my email 84.2563 times a day, checking my blog almost as many times as I check my email, and various other websites such as my school email and such. Then we can't forget google calendar, where I track my every last move, and google maps that tells me how to get where ever I need to go (It's been oh-so-handy to map out my trip to Idaho). Not to mention if I need to find the location of anything or a phone number...is there really any other way to do these things?? (Other than a phone book..but who has one of those anymore?!)

My laptop is right next to my bed on my nightstand so I literally can roll over and still be IN bed and check whatever I need to. It is a tad ridiculous. But only a tad. Our internet has been down for three days now at home (but there is this random unsecured signal I can get on to throughout the day -- thank goodness -- or I could have serious withdraw). This random signal is a lot slower and pretty shoddy when it comes to reliability so I relish in delight when I can actually get on (times such as now YAY!).

I know I'm not the only one out there who is attached to their internet. We have wireless internet pretty much everywhere you can go these days. You can find out pretty much ANYTHING you need to know online. It is the ultimate resource. I mean, the Tribune just files chapter 11 bankruptcy as one of the first companies to do so after the internet has become the main source for media outlets. What's next? You can watch TV, movies, YouTube, the newspaper, etc. online. Not to mention downloading music and movies online as well. It's where we literally have the world at our fingertips. Yet, ironically enough, I still only manage to have about 3 websites that I check all the time. Hm. Interesting. And it goes without saying that the internet is the grandest form of communication. Seriously, you just update your status and voila -- the world knows what you're up to. No need for small talk conversations anymore. I suck at those anyways. They're always the same....

Random friend you haven't seen in a while: "Hey!"
Me: "Oh HI! (pretending to be excited to see them...)
Friend: How have you been?
Me: Good! Great! You?
Friend: Same. Just great.
Me: Oh, that's great.
Friend: (doing that agreeable word sigh...you know it,you know it well) Yeahhhh...great. (awkward pause) So, um, where are you working?
Me: Oh well right now...blah blah blah.
Friend: Oh that sounds great.
Me: Yeah, it's great.
Friend: Yeah. (another long pause) Are you dating anyone?
Me: No, not right now.
Friend: Oh well that's okay.
Me: Yeah, I know. (by now it's clearly obvious how much I HATE small talk to the friend)
Friend: Well it was good seeing you!
Me: Yeah! You too! (getting excited at the thought that I don't have to find more meaningless things to talk about)
Friend: We should get together and do lunch or something sometime.
Me: Sure! Just let me know (leaving the ball in their court of course)
Friend: Okay, for sure.

Okay so other than the fact I just made myself seem totally heartless and uncaring about others, I was actually trying to bring it home that I, indeed, suck at small talk. In turn, it actually DOES make me seem like I'm heartless and uncaring (which I don't THINK is the case). So for anyone out there that has been a victim of my small talk behaviors, I ask for your forgiveness. :) I promise I care.

So.....here I am, wasting more time on the the world wide web.

And well, it's delightful.

Hello. My name is Courtney. I'm an internet junkie. (Hellooooo, Courtney)


Unknown said...

hello, my name is emily, and i, too, am an internet junkie.

&& i love your blog & insight!


Angie said...

I feel the same way about small talk. I'm just not good at it. Probably because I'm always thinking about what's REALLY going on, and, you know, you can't always just say that stuff:

Hey, I haven't seen you in a while.

Yeah- how are you?

Well, I was fine until I ran into you and now I'm just remembering how you stole my boyfriend in 9th grade. You know, I never really got over that.

Oh, really? Sorry about-

No you're not. You are probably just as self-absorbed as ever. I can tell because you spend so much on your clothes. What are you doing wearing heels to the grocery store anyway? Gosh, you really haven't changed.

Anyway, I wish I could go one day just saying everything I really thought. But I have a feeling it would be a very awkward day.