Thursday, December 18, 2008

Something in my body hates me right now. Seriously people. What is going on!? First of all, let's give you a brief backstory of the fact that I've lost 50 lbs over the course of this year. I still have more to go -- but I've done really well on changing my eating habits and learning all I can about health and nutrition. It's an ongoing quest for knowledge, but it has had it's rewards (such as fitting into clothes that I actually LIKE again).

But lately, and I blame holidays and a very un-rigid schedule, I have been eating poorly and my body hates me for it.

My hair, dull. My skin, don't get me started.

I'm not just going to complain about it, I'm going to jump back on the bangwagon. I just wanted to complain about it for a few minutes.

I found out a Dunkin Donuts was about 5 minutes from our house. This was bad for me. I haven't eaten doughnuts in a LOOOONNNNGGG time. As in several months. But in the past month, ohhhhhh I've eaten a couple of them at least once a week. STOP IT.

What am I doing?!

They say stress can be a trigger for this nonsense. But who's stressed?? Me?? Nooooo. What do I have to be stressed about? (I mean, in two weeks I will be moving out of Indiana for the first time in my life, leaving my family and friends and everything familiar to me to go to IDAHO and start school after a five year hiatus. But why would I be stressed about that?)

Ugh. I need a tan and a good workout.


Ben said...

Hahaha you should ease off my blog. Dreams about commenting means you're online too much. Now, don't get me wrong, I've had such dreams. But it's okay for me to be obsessed :)

saratogajean said...

Strawberry frosted Dunkin' Donuts Deliciousness?

Count me in.