Saturday, December 6, 2008

Utah boys.

Okay. Before I start this post I need to say that I am going to be making a HUGE stereotype and a HUGE assumption. I am aware of this -- just saying.

I have one fear (okay fear might not be the best word to describe it but it's the best I have right now) about moving out west. Utah boys. I've met my fair share. The boys who grew up in Utah and are members of the Church but are really attractive -- mostly blonde I've found -- and they work out all the time and are really into their looks and have this ideal of marrying a petite blonde girl who knows how to back comb her hair perfectly. It also seems that they are a little more laid back about their church attendance and you know the whole "keeping the commandments with exactness" bit. I must say that the whole idea of this combo makes me a little ill (or it could be the taco bell that i had a little bit ago and then read the nutrition content AFTER I ate it -- seriously -- how do calories accumulate so quickly?!) So yes, I'm totally stereotyping.

So I've encountered one of these boys recently and I'm a little surprised about it. I've started to realize it more and more that he's one of "them" and wasn't quite sure how I felt about it. He's very good looking but almost annoyingly good looking. I really don't like blonde men. I'm not sure why -- but I have a complex with them. I think they are good looking but I just don't ever picture myself being with or dating a blonde. Come to think of it, I have NEVER dated a blonde. Ever. And a majority of the men I'm really attracted to are not dark haired. Isn't it strange what we are and aren't attracted to? I often wonder where our attractions are learned. I watched a documentary one time about physical attraction (yes, I occasionally watch a documentary -- although by occasionally I mean probably twice in my life). It stated that most of us are subconsciously attracted to someone who we think will be a healthy mate -- meaning that we are attracted to someone that we think will bear children well and be healthy. That is why being thin is so attractive to our psyches.
It's all very interesting to me. I also sometimes wonder if men are attracted to women who resemble either themselves or their families in someway. Or if women attracted to men who resemble themselves or their fathers. Something to continue to ponder I guess.

I tend to be attracted to men who have similar features to myself. Dark hair, full lips, pretty smiles, big eyes...those are features that I notice on a man. Is that weird? don't know. Anyone who has known me for a while knows that I enjoy men who are a little shaken but not stirred (aka mixed breeds). I tend to enjoy half black/half white and half latino/half white breeds the most. I'm not purposely describing them in a way that makes them sound like a pack of dogs. If the shoe fits......

So anyways, back to Utah boys. I just don't know what it is about them that almost annoys me. Idaho boys, however, I seem to enjoy. I think almost every boy from out west that I've found myself pining over has been from Idaho. My favorite boy of all time is from there! (You know who you are. Or at least you better! Don't worry Lexi, he's all yours!) So I am happy that I'll be in Idaho vs. Utah. Because I think, well I hope, I'll fit in a little bit better there. It's ironic that I'm a little worried about fitting in. I've never not fit in anywhere I've ever gone -- but then again I haven't gone very far from home. Sometimes I second guess myself. I guess I'm having one of those insecure moments where I wonder if I'll be okay out there.

25 more days............


Hyrum and Kiera said...

Don't knock blond boys until you've tried them. :)

Unknown said...

i know, i know. you like your blonde boy. he doesn't count. :)

The Miranda's said...

you will love it! i'm so excited for you!