Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The weather outside if frightful.

Sometimes it rains, sometimes it snows. Sometimes ice falls from the sky.

Yesterday, all day, ice ice baby. I had to scrape a layer of it off my car every time I got in and out -- which was about every 2 hours or so yesterday.

I turn into my neighborhood, stop at the stop sign....and keep going....and going...and going....through the intersection, and I finally managed to stop about two houses down PAST the stop sign. Luckily no one else was on the road. They don't exactly have a "I'm trying to stop but I can't so get the heck outta my way" signal on our car to notify other drivers to watch out.

The pavement is a SOLID SHEET OF ICE. No. Seriously. I'm not exaggerating this. I could barely walk on our driveway because of the ice. I, instead, skated to the front door. I attempted a double axle on my way such luck. (Okay, that part is an exaggeration. It was only a single axle.)

This morning, still, ice. Everywhere. I went outside to move my car. I'm casual skating along...and I notice our mailbox. Um. Yeah. It's flat on the ground.

That's okay. It looks better like that way anyways. I mean, who wants a mailbox that is upright and looks like everyone else's? So thanks, mailbox demolisher.

I just keep saying to myself, "Embrace the cold. Love the cold. Be okay with the cold."

Or...... "F" the cold.

Either way.

1 comment:

Brad said...

I love the cold and bad weather :-D But that's what owning a 4x4 SUV will do for ya!