Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just in time to leave.

Of course. I knew this would happen. Just when I am getting ready to go back to Idaho, I start getting comfortable in Indiana. Don't get me wrong. I am thrilled to see friends and get back to school because frankly, being a bum isn't my style for too long. All in all though, I am loving the fact I can see my babies (nieces and nephews) whenever I want. See my family in general whenever I want. Honestly, I feel like I wasted some time when I first got home. Did I? Maybe the time just went by too quickly.

Today was great. And by great, I really mean great! I got up before 10am which made me happy. I found a really great pair of running shoes at a great bargain!

They are basic shoes, but hey, gotta start somewhere! And these shoes are dedicated to running.

The bf (best friend) and I went on some rad adventures today. Okay, well nothing too spectacular but I did get to see a drag car go down the strip! The day was ended by watching the sunset at one of my favorite places in all of Indianapolis...Eagle Creek. There were so many sailboats out tonight!! It was incredible! I get lost in the water sometimes. I don't mean that literally, I mean that figuratively. I can stare at the water for what seems like hours and completely lose myself. I love having that so close by to take advantage of. I do love my Indiana home. There is no doubt about that. I still have two more years in Idaho and who knows what those two years will bring. I wish I could say I have my life planned out but if there is something I've learned from trying to plan my life, is that life simply cannot be planned. You can dream, you can aspire, and you can have goals, but at the end of the day, life is still moving along. Sometimes you have to roll with the punches.

To a totally different topic, I have made the decision to no longer eat red meat or pork. I think eventually I will make my way towards vegetarianism, but chicken and fish have lower cholesterol levels overall and are not as bad as red meat and pork. It will not be easy, but I feel that it will be very worth it.

♥ ♥ xoxo ♥ ♥ Court


The Miranda's said...

You are leaving?!?! You just got home!

Unknown said...

I've been home for six weeks. I can't believe we still haven't seen each other!