Sunday, October 26, 2008


Autumn is hands down my favorite time of year. Of course I enjoy the Spring and Summer (and even Winter to some degree!) but Autumn is where the world puts on a beautiful show. The dying trees transform into a miraculous palette of beautiful colors before they shed their leafy coat. Shades of red, gold, yellow, green,'s almost delicious to me.

It causes me to reflect on the seasons of our lives. Just as we experience seasons year in and year out, our very own lives can be represented by the seasons. I won't spend too much time going over the details in my mind...but I hope that you will take time to ponder that. What season of life are you in? I think we spend most of our lives in the Summer season. I'd love to know your thoughts.

With Autumn comes a lot of fun activities!!! Of course, haunted houses are great! But one of my favorite things is probably going to bonfires. Roasting marshmallows and hot dogs around a huge fire that is keeping you warm while the brisk air is fighting to keep you cold. You're wearing your favorite jeans, sweatshirt and comfy shoes, and don't forget your favorite scarf and maybe even your gloves and hat (depending on where you live of course). You cuddle up with your friends and drink hot cider and laugh and talk. The night is clear and the stars are in abundance. I can't get enough of it sometimes. Last night we had a bonfire out in Lebanon, IN. I'm slightly obsessed with starry skies and the stars were RIDICULOUS last night. I could have laid down and stared at them for countless hours. I feel a little bit closer to God each time I am able to marvel in His creation. Last night was no different.

So here are some fun photos of the activity last night! Enjoy!

Our dinner dates for the evening... Jon, Jared, Me and Megan.

Me and Larry. Probably my favorite picture of the night.

Advice: Yes, the chocolate can melt if you hold the entire s'more over the fire. However, the bottom of the graham cracker ends up looking like......



The Miranda's said...

cute pictures..larry looks like he is looking at your miss you! never told me what happened after you confronted your "friend".

Unknown said...

lol...he is. okay not really...but it's a pretty hilarious picture. kiera said it looks like we're about to make out. we need to catch up soon so call me.

life is good though :)

Anonymous said...

Yes it does look like you're about to make out with Larry. Now now I don't want to read about him going out with some other girl. That would be funny though.

Unknown said...

to clarify...larry and i are just friends. he actually is dating someone...but we've been friends for a long time. don't want anyone to get any ideas!

Hyrum and Kiera said...

I'm 'bout to put some smack down on your blog stalker. They're grating on my nerves.