Friday, October 24, 2008


For all of you that have followed my blog have understood that for the past few weeks (months, in a way) I have been trying to move on after "le friend" (see previous entries for references) started dating someone and I had to face the fact that our friendship was going to drastically change and the fact that this friend was never going to be more.

I write not only for myself, but for others. Hopefully someone can take my experiences and learn from them. I received a revelation quite some time ago that I have gone through trials so that I might have the ability to help others in their trials. This trial is another example of such circumstances.

I wanted to start working on a book that is comprised of letters to various people in my life. I started with writing letters to "le friend" right after he had started dating this girl and I was dealing with a lot of hurt feelings. It is in blog form, as most of my writing is (exception of my journal for my spiritual thoughts...that is still in good ol' written form). I didn't post this blog link until just a couple of days ago...because I had moved past the hurt and on to trying a creative approach to things. I posted a link under my "blog obsession" where I have my diet blog. (It's a sickness...blogging...I really could be obsessed.) Well unfortunately, I am making this blog private again because I don't want anyone's feelings to get any more hurt than they might already be. It was meant to help me heal and to also work on my creative writing skills. I certainly don't want someone to be hurt through that process though.

I am and always will be someone who speaks my mind. I have no ill intentions towards anyone...and I mean that. (Okay, maybe towards terrorists...but even then we are commanded to love our enemies, ugh, if only I could be more like Jesus). I enjoy telling stories and hope that others get something from what I have to say. I hope that no one was hurt by what I have said about this situation with "le friend". I am not perfect. Never have claimed to be, never will claim to be.

So let's move on shall we?

Yes, we indeed, shall.

1 comment:

The Miranda's said...

i've moved on. next subject. lol