Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The papers are IN!

There they are in all of their chopped-down-tree glory. My housing contract, the RULES (yikes....strict rules!), and my letter from BYU-I telling me when I can begin registering for classes!!!!

So it's really starting to sink in. Moving to Idaho and going back to school is going to happen. It just goes to show that if you want something bad enough, and it's within the realm of the Lord's will, it can and will happen. I waited patiently for this for so long...and worked on my application for two years. Once I realized that in order to get the financial assistance I needed, I had to wait for the glorious 24th birthday, I did exactly that. I waited.

Now, I have an apartment, financial aid money that more than covers tuition and housing (and probably even my trip out there...) and I'm well on my way.

Life does come full circle, my friends. The Lord does know our righteous desires and he does grant them...in His time.

Oh sweet blessed Rexburg, Idaho. My world awaits in your arms. I cannot wait to meet you.

And all you men in Rexburg..............

prepare yourself.

1 comment:

The Miranda's said...

i am soo excited for you!